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Discovering Shadows Page 5

  “We couldn’t stop her Reece. It was meant to happen, she had to leave in order to remain safe. I don’t know why, or the details, I just know that it was for the best. I knew if I told you or Leo, you would have kept her here. I am sorry, I did what needed to be done,” Sam replied calmly.

  “Fine, what’s our next move then?” Reece asked, heat radiating off his body.

  “What? Reece you can’t be serious! We’re going after her, right? We can’t just leave her out there alone and unprotected,” Leo shouted.

  “She’s not alone,” Sam replied.

  Reece turned his attention back to Sam and a scowl covered his face. “What do you mean she isn’t alone?”

  “Aiden is with her.”

  Flames shot from Reece’s body, catching the kitchen table on fire.

  “Damn it Reece, we don’t have a Wat . . .” Nate stopped himself from finishing his sentence. “I’ll get the fire extinguisher.”

  “Well isn’t that convenient. I knew I didn’t like that idiot,” Reece stated.

  “So we’re going after her, right?” Leo asked, looking just as pissed as Reece.

  “We can’t. Reece, I know you’re angry but we have to go to Sorrow,” Sam stated, adjusting his glasses.

  “You’re joking, right! You expect us to just go on with this mission and forget about the fact that my sister is out there somewhere with some douchebag.” Leo scowled.

  Reece pinched his temple and brows together, sighing. “We have a mission to do, Leo, whether we like it or not. Sam’s right. This mission is bigger than our personnel problems, people are in danger and there are lives at stake.”

  “This is bullshit!” Leo shouted. Wind swept through the room, causing Reece’s table fire to grow and start to spread across the room.

  “You will go upstairs and pack your shit, this fire will serve as the perfect cover for both of your disappearances. We leave in fifteen. That’s an order,” Reece stated calmly.

  Leo didn’t speak; he just stomped up the stairs.

  “Found the fire extinguisher, it was buried under some shit in the garage.” Nate laughed.

  “We won’t be needing it, we’re leaving,” Reece responded as he shot flames around the kitchen. The fire roared to life, engulfing the room in minutes. It spread quickly and aggressively, fueled with the anger and passion of Reece’s emotions. He was going to be in a lot of trouble once the news of him losing Lily spreads. They needed to move fast. Within the span of ten minutes the team had dressed and packed what little they could. They piled into Nate’s Hummer and peeled out of the driveway. The small town of Sorrow is a two-day drive. Reece began his briefing.

  “Alright, I need you all to listen to everything I say. This mission is very important. We are going to be facing something none of us have encountered before. Apparently there is some being who has figured out how to transform humans into strange shadow creatures. Generally, shadows can only exist when there is a light present to cast a comparing darkness. These creatures can exist in both, darkness and light. When out in the dark they blend in with their surroundings, the victim never sees them coming. We are unsure whether the shadow creatures are demons or something new altogether.”

  “Wow, sounds like it’s going to be a fun time.” Nate chuckled.

  “There’s more. There have been rumors circulating around the League that Davarius is behind it.”

  “Davarius? I thought he was killed a long time ago,” Leo asked.

  “That’s what everyone thought. Apparently a few other teams that were sent to investigate came up missing. And, some are saying they have seen photographic evidence of him in this town,” Reece responded, chills coming over him at the mere thought.

  “Well shit, how the hell are we supposed to defeat him? The guy is a freaking demon, and not just any demon, he’s a freaking anomaly,” Nate questioned glancing in his rearview mirror.

  “I don’t know the answer to that question,” Reece said with his head hung low. He really had no idea how they were supposed to defeat Davarius—if it really was him. He was, however, glad that Lily would not be there and that she wouldn’t be in danger.

  Road Trip

  Lily paid no attention to the changing scenery around them as Aiden drove down the highway, she didn’t ask where they were going. She felt numb. Everything had changed in the past few days. She should be happy to learn that she’s special, that there are others like herself that are willing to risk so much to protect her. Be thrilled to learn that her brother loved her enough to keep things from her for so long. But, instead, she sits there, staring blankly at the passing road signs and power lines. She watched as the thick wooden poles lining the roadway came into view and disappeared as quickly.

  Occasionally she let her eyes gaze up toward the sky and watch the fluffy clouds float by. She envies them—the clouds—not a care in the world as they drift around in carefree bliss. Aiden hasn’t bothered to ask her if she’s ok, or to attempt to have any kind of conversation with her. He knows her better than anyone; he knows she needs time. Time to process everything, and time to heal the wounds of the lies. She’s grateful for that, for him.

  Lily shifts positions in her seat, feeling the tingling sensation in her right leg from sitting so long. Aiden glances in her direction, briefly taking his eyes from the road to check on her. He offers her a slight smile and returns his attention back to the road.

  “Um . . . can we maybe stop for a minute so I can stretch my legs?” Lily asks quietly.

  “We really can’t afford to stop yet, Lil,” Aiden replies grimly. “Bear with it a little while longer for me, ok, we’ll stop soon. I promise.”

  Lily sighed and turned her attention back out her window. It had begun to rain. Tiny drops of water gently adorned her window. Without a thought, she lifted her finger up and traced the lines of the water down the glass. The raindrops flocked to her finger like ducklings chasing their mother. Each bead of water anxiously followed in line, in perfect formation following the fluid motion of her finger around in circle after circle. Intrigued, Lily leaned closer to the glass pressing her face against it, feeling the chill from the air against her cheek. Suddenly a thought flooded her brain and she found herself rolling down the window and thrusting her hand into the falling water.

  She focused on the individual drops, moving them from side-to-side so that not a single drop touched her hand. Feeling a little braver she unlatched her seatbelt and careened her head out the window. The car suddenly swerved causing Lily to lose her balance and nearly fall out the window onto the quickly passing pavement; pressure on her wrist made her realize that Aiden had grabbed onto her arm, saving her life . . . again.

  “What the hell, Lil!” Aiden yelled as he pulled the car to a stop along the shoulder.

  “I . . . I’m sorry, I just—it just called to me. The rain, I . . . I couldn’t ignore it,” Lily answered, focusing her eyes to the floorboard. Her body rigid, not from fear, but from fear of upsetting Aiden. “I’m sorry Aiden, really. Please . . . please don’t be mad at me.”

  “Shit.” Aiden pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. “I’m not mad Lil, ok. I just—you can’t do things like that. I know what it’s like, trust me, I’ve been there. But we can’t draw attention to ourselves and your ability is still so fresh and raw, it’s unpredictable.”

  Lily hung her head lower; tears began slowly streaming down her cheeks. She sniffed and turned her attention back to the window.

  “Hey.” Aiden reached out and pulled her chin toward him, forcing her to look into his eyes. “It’s ok, Lily Pad. We’re ok. I’m sorry I yelled, ok? I’m not mad, I could never be mad at you. We’ll stop at the next town and stay for the night, I think we could both use some rest.”

  Lily simply nodded her head and offered him a slight smile. She didn’t dare speak; she knew she would turn into a blubbering idiot if she tried. Aiden used the controls on his door to raise Lily’s window and lock it, for no other reason than her safety. At l
east that’s what Lily told herself.

  Lily must have dozed off because she woke up to Aiden lowering her to a bed covered with a stark white comforter. She struggled to open her eyes but Aiden simply shushed her and told her to sleep. Which she did, for eleven straight hours. She awoke the following afternoon, just before one o’clock in the afternoon. Sitting up she squinted her eyes, trying to focus enough to find Aiden. The sound of water running made her aware that he must be in the shower.

  Slowly she eased her stiff body off the comfortable mattress and tiptoed across the plush carpet. She took in her surroundings; the walls were a soft tan color. Flower like artwork decorated the walls, a glass door stood before her. She edged closer and gazed upon a majestic site. There was a small covered patio overlooking what appeared to be a very large, very beautiful lake. Where are we? She had been so focused on the gentle waves blanketing the water of the lake that she hadn’t heard the water shut off or the door open behind her.

  “Feeling better?” Aiden’s voice made her jump slightly.

  She turned around to answer but found her voice stuck in her throat. Aiden stood before her in nothing but a pair of boxers, beads of water still dancing their way down his toned chest and disappearing into the shadow beneath the waistband of his shorts. She was sure he heard her swallow, the sound of it seemed to bounce off the walls it was so loud. A faint pink hue began to fill her cheeks.

  “Lily? You ok? You look flushed . . . Do you have a fever?” He approached her and placed the back of his hand against her forehead.

  “Uh—um . . . no. I’m fine, Aiden, really.” She brushed his hand away from her face.

  “Well the showers free if you want to jump in before we head out. Might make you feel better.”

  “Oh, well. I—um, I didn’t have the best experience with my last shower. I think I’ll pass.” She shuddered.

  “Why is that?” Aiden asked; curiosity painted over his face.

  “Let’s just say, it got a little icy cold.” Goosebumps began forming over her arms at the thought.

  Aiden laughed, like really laughed. He was laughing so hard he was now bent over, holding his stomach. “Gee, glad I could entertain you.” Lily huffed.

  “Aww. . . no, I’m sorry Lily Pad. Come here.” Aiden pulled her in for a tight embrace. Her pink cheeks now pressed tightly against his muscular chest. “Come on, come with me and let me help you.”

  Lily rolled out of his embrace and froze in her tracks. “Uh, you can’t shower with me, Aiden.”

  “As tempting as that sounds,” he chuckled, “that’s not what I meant. Come on.”

  “It’s fine, Aiden . . . really, I don’t need a shower. Let’s just get back on the road.”

  “You have to learn how to control it, Lil. You can’t shelter yourself from your abilities, that’s no way to live your life. I can show you. You’ll be fine, I promise.” Aiden soothed as he led her into the bathroom.

  Lily could feel herself shaking, she wasn’t sure what would happen, and it terrified her. Granted the icy shower was cold, but all in all not bad, but the last time she was in water it had thrown her about like a rag doll. Aiden turned on the water, his hand under the stream, testing its temperature.

  “I’m going to step out for a minute while you get in and then I’ll come back and sit in here until you’re done. If anything happens, I’ll be right here to help you. Ok?”

  Lily simply nodded and watched him exit the room. Taking a deep breath she carefully slid her pink top over her head and slipped out of her jeans. Once her bra and underwear were off she very slowly opened the shower curtain and one leg at a time she cautiously stepped under the stream of running water. The water was warm and instantly soothing.

  “You ready for me yet, Lil?” Aiden asked from outside the door.

  “Um, yeah, I think so,” she responded and scanned the dark blue shower curtain, making sure that she couldn’t see through it.

  Lily heard the bathroom door open, but never heard it close.

  “How’s it going so far?” he asked.

  “Um, ok I think.”

  “Tell me what happened last time,” he said as he sat down on the toilet seat lid.

  “Um . . . I don’t really know for sure. It was fine one second and then the water turned into chunks of ice and then I got out.” She shrugged as the water continued to bead down her back, and while it soothed her muscles, she couldn’t help but keep her hands still at her sides.

  “Just try and relax Lily. Remember, water is as much a part of you as your own skin. It doesn’t want to hurt you; it just wants to please you. It will bend to your every whim.”

  Lily let out a deep breath and slowly raised her hands to her head to massage some shampoo into her hair. So far so good, the water remained normal as she gently massaged the suds through her locks. So far nothing strange had happened and she started to relax a little. Aiden continued to have small talk with her, but she mostly ignored him and got lost in the feel of the warm water. Before she knew it she was in full on shower mode. Her hair was silky clean and she was inhaling the tantalizing scent of her coconut body wash as she lathered it onto her poof ball.

  She had completely forgotten about her fear of water as she rubbed the poof ball over her body. She felt her body completely relax as the warm water beat down over her shoulders and back. Turning around she placed her face under the stream, her eyes closed, as she got lost in the feel of it. After some time had passed she had forgotten about Aiden being in the room, her hands twirled around under the spray of water. The beads of water danced around her hands blanketing her arms in a swirling pattern. The water danced around her arms and eventually made its way around her whole body. She was now standing in her own tornado of water; it circled around her and lifted her feet from the floor.

  A sudden sense of panic came over here as the reality of her floating body came into view. She began to kick her feet and thrash about, trying to will her body to get back on the floor. A slight squeal escaped from her mouth as she fought against the water now controlling her.

  “Lil? Everything ok?”

  “Aiden!” she shouted, “Help me, I . . . I don’t know what’s happening the water i-it picked me up and I can’t get down.”

  Aiden jumped up from his seat and reached for the shower curtain, and then he backed away; she would want me to respect her privacy.

  “Ok, first thing you need to do is calm down Lily. Can you do that? Take a deep breath and try to relax. The water feeds off your emotions, if you’re calm it will be calm.”

  “Ok, ok . . . I’ll try.” Lily took a deep breath and tried to push the panic out of her. She found a spot on the shower wall, a small flower like pattern blanketed the walls of the shower stall. She focused on one flower in particular—a small yellow like daisy in the middle of tons and tons of more exotic like flowers. It seemed so out of place, just like she felt. She remembered what Reece had told her when her body was engulfed in flames; she pictured a blanket. She imagined the blanket wrapping securely around her, trying to absorb the water. The water began to tighten around her body; suffocating her as if the blanket she imagined was too secure it was squeezing the life from her body. She struggled to breathe, black spots darkening her vision. She heard a voice in the distance, but it sounded so far away.

  “Lily? Lily are you ok?” Aiden began to panic as the only response he heard sounded like more a whimper than an answer. Screw it, he thought, as he tore open the shower curtain. A gasp escaped his mouth as he gazed at Lily. Her body was floating near the ceiling, the water wrapped possessively around her like a snake around its prey. He had never seen water behave that way before.

  “Shit! Lily, Lily listen to me . . . whatever you’re doing, you need to stop. Relax! Find the balance. The water is a part of you, stop fighting it and embrace it, open yourself up to it. You are its master; don’t let it control you. You are stronger than that, Lily. Take control, Lily, you can do it. Focus.”

  Lily heard bits a
nd pieces of what Aiden had shouted to her, but most of it was still muffled. She tried to relax as he instructed, but the pressure against her chest made it difficult. Straining, she attempted to find that flower on the wall again, the one that reminded her so much of herself. Her body began to get hot, she could feel the sweat drip down her spine, the blanket, it needs to be removed. Focusing all her energy, she pictured the blanket falling to the ground, discarding it like an old doll. She watched the soft blanket fall until it landed gently on the floor, soaked with water. She felt the pressure lessen slowly and her vision become clearer, the black spots no longer present.

  “Good, Lil. That’s it, you’re doing great. Now focus on the water, command it where you want it to go. Tell it to return to its place. Focus, you can do it.”

  Lily focused on the water swirling around her; she watched it dance around her arms and pictured it returning back to the shower nozzle to where it came from. Keeping her breathing steady and her mind clear, she focused as Aiden told her. She was amazed to find how easy it was for her. The water began to recede back up to the shower nozzle, and return back to its steady path down to the drain. Lily had been so focused on getting the water to return that she had forgotten to make it put her down first, her body started to drop rapidly to the shower floor. Strong arms enveloped her before she hit, she looked up and gazed into Aiden’s beautiful eyes.

  “You did it.” He beamed with pride.

  “We did it,” Lily responded and crushed her lips to his.

  Aiden tightened his grip around her and walked slowly back into the room. Lily’s body was slippery and he had a hard time keeping his grip. Once he reached the bed he laid her down gently, never once breaking their kiss. It was filled with passion and fear. Lily couldn’t get enough; he had saved her life more than once. It was Aiden who finally broke the kiss; he kept his forehead on hers as his thumb traced the lines of her lips.

  “Um, that was—that was amazing and while I didn’t want it to end, you should get dressed before my mind becomes second in command.”