Discovering Shadows Read online




  Copyright © 2016 Tawnya Jenkins

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1511801416 (CreateSpace-Assigned)

  ISBN-10: 1511801417


  This book is dedicated to all the dreamers out there. To everyone who has ever had a desire to create something but thought it was impossible. This story is for all the diehard read–a-holics like myself, who just can’t stop themselves from reading anything and everything they can get their hands on. I hope this will entertain you and satisfy your need until your next reading fix, if only for a day. To my family who has supported me in my dreams, and who continue to inspire me every day. I would be nothing without your love and endless encouragement. To my husband, Jacob, thank you for allowing me to read and reread bits and pieces of story to you. Thank you for allowing me to pitch ideas off of you, and for all the countless times I forced you listen to my crazy antics. Thank you for all your honest opinions and endless patience. I love you forever and always and I’m so blessed to have you as my real life happy ending. To my children; Dillon, Amber and Hailey, I love you all with all my heart. I hope that one day I can help you follow your dreams. To my mother, Diania, you are the glue that holds me together, the rock that keeps me grounded. I couldn’t have wished for a better mom and role model. You are truly an inspiration and I love you more than words can say


  Massive thank you to my cover designer, Desiree DeOrto. You are so talented and you are truly an amazing person. You gave my book life. Your dedication to your work is unmatched by anyone I’ve ever met, myself included. Thank you. Thank you for being you! Seriously she’s amazing go check her out: .

  To my editor, Jocelyn Roberts of J. Roberts Editing: You are amazing! You have brought so much more than just perfect grammar, you have provided me so much valuable knowledge and helpful tips as well as kept me motivated. You are truly an amazing soul full of fire! Thank you so much for taking on all my craziness and fixing my madness. Here is her info, you should check her out!

  To everyone reading this, I acknowledge you . . . readers like you and your support are what make my journey possible.

  Table of Contents

  Prologue Page-4

  Chapter 1 (The Beginning) Page-7

  Chapter 2 (Changes) Page 17

  Chapter 3 (Secrets) Page 32

  Chapter 4 (Heroes) Page 39

  Chapter 5 (Unspoken) Page 43

  Chapter 6 (Rules) Page 50

  Chapter 7 (Drafted) Page 55

  Chapter 8 (Chaos) Page 59

  Chapter 9 (Saved) Page 64

  Chapter 10 (Truth) Page 68

  Chapter 11 (Escape) Page 76

  Chapter 12 (Plans) Page 83

  Chapter 13 (Road Trip) Page 90

  Chapter 14 (Sorrow) Page 106

  Chapter 15 (Small Town) Page 122

  Chapter 16 (Playing House) Page 126

  Chapter 17 (Reunited) Page 143

  Chapter 18 (Attack) Page 148

  Chapter 19 (Family Ties) Page 155

  Chapter 20 (Betrayed) Page 160

  Chapter 21 (Changed) Page 166

  Chapter 22 (New Plan) Page 172

  Chapter 23 (Soulless) Page 177

  Chapter 24 (Recon) Page 184

  Chapter 25 (Visions) Page 188

  Chapter 26 (Death) Page 195

  Chapter 27 (Destruction) Page 198

  Chapter 28 (New Beginnings) Page 210

  Chapter 29 (Pieces) Page 214

  Chapter 30 (Revenge) Page 220

  Chapter 31 (New Evil) Page 225


  Decades ago an alliance was created to help keep the world from erupting into a chaotic state. All forms of life were counseled and an agency or league, if you will, was formed. The S.E.A.L: Supernatural Elite Agents League. It consisted of teams of special agents, the best of their kind. Creatures of every form of life coexisting to form a better world for mankind and the supernatural. The SEALS were the best of the best. The supernatural world’s version of the FBI mixed with Soldiers.

  Today the League was meeting to discuss a most pressing matter that has purged to the top of their list.

  “What do we know Victoria?” Lucas asked. Lucas Holt was the special agent in charge of the Shifter community. His teams were made up of the best Shifters in the country. His Alpha’s were not to be messed with.

  “I’m afraid it’s not good,” Victoria Morgan stated. She was the head of the Vampire community. Nearly three decades old, she is one of the Leagues founding members. “There have been numerous reports coming in that Davarius has been spotted.”



  The shouts erupted; arguing engulfed the room as everyone went back and forth.

  “It’s true,” Edward stated. “I sent two of my teams out last week to scout, and they have yet to return. Their last known whereabouts were near the town of Sorrow, Ohio. Reports had shown that the town was under attack, mysterious Shadow creatures were slaying the town members in broad daylight. Local law enforcement released a press conference and this was captured on the video.”

  Gasps filled the room as the image was passed around the table, an image that struck terror in every member seated at the table.

  The Beginning

  It was a warm autumn day. The crisp air outside danced around the changing leaves of the trees. It was calm and quiet, nearly sundown. Until, the sound of a young woman screaming abruptly penetrated through the silence of the once peaceful day.

  Lily’s body thrashed around, her hands writhed against the rough leather restraints that secured them to the bed. In the distance her brother Leo pulled out his phone and called for help.

  “It’s happening, you need to come quickly I can’t do this by myself, she’s stronger than I anticipated.” There was a moment of silence as Leo wiped the sweat from his brow with the sleeve of his shirt.

  “Hurry up, I can’t hold her much longer.” Then the line went dead.

  Leo was left alone with his sister once more, he knew her change would come, but he hadn’t expected it so soon. Her eighteenth birthday was still months away. He approached the bed, removing the washrag from Lily’s forehead to re-wet it and place it back on her head.

  “It’s going to be ok. I promise.” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. And then the darkness consumed her.

  When Lily woke up she expected to be in a hospital somewhere, but she was surprised to find she was in her own bed. Strange, she had remembered the pain from last night so vividly, her body nearly shook from the sheer thought of it. The way her body twisted had been so unnatural; her bones still ached from it. At one point she even remembered begging for death. The tantalizing rays from the morning sun glistened through her window and into her eyes, causing them to water slightly. The delicious smell of bacon drifted through her nostrils, pulling her back to reality.

  She sat up slowly and examined her wrists; turning them over and over checking for the marks she had clearly thought would be there. Her wrists were clean, not a scratch on them, had she imagined that horrible ordeal? She looked around her room; everything was still in its place. It must have been a dream, a horrible, horrible dream; she closed her eyes recalling the events.

  She had been studying for her History final when she got the worst pain in her head that progressed quickly, and radiated through her body. The pain was so excruciating it forced her to plummet off the bed onto the floor. It racked over her body until she was crippled from it. She could feel something inside of her stirring, as if a thousand ants were wreaking havoc throughou
t her veins. She flailed about in agony as her bones contorted in ways that should have broken them, nearly destroying her room before her brother had rushed in and scooped her up. She was in and out of consciousness, but recalled something being strapped to her wrists, and she could vaguely remember hearing him speak.

  She shook her head, not wanting to think about it any longer, and decided to seek out the enticing smell of bacon that was still assaulting her senses. After running a brush through her stick straight hair she hurried into the kitchen, what she saw had her captivated. Standing there in her kitchen were three very muscular strangers. She thought to pinch herself, convinced her mind was playing tricks on her but for some reason her hands wouldn’t cooperate.

  The room fell silent as she entered and four pairs of eyes focused on her. She immediately wanted to turn around and retreat back up the stairs, but her brother came to her aid, intertwining his arm with hers.

  “Well look who decided to wake up,” he said with a big grin.

  “Uh, yeah, I . . . uh smelled bacon.” She chuckled nervously.

  “That’s my kind of girl,” one of the guys said. She looked up into a soft pair of blue eyes. “Where are my manners? I’m Nate,” he said as he extended his hand out to her.

  Lily starred at the hand in front of her; she suddenly found it difficult to move as she looked at his dazzling smile and dimples. Nate pulled his hand back, trying to hide his disappointment by giving her a half grin. He was tall in stature; he stood a good two-feet higher than her brother. His dirty blond hair was short; the sides were shaved down with the top slightly longer. He had no facial hair, which made his features much more prominent.

  “Ouch, you got burned bro,” another voice said, followed by a burst of laughter.

  “I’m um, I’m sorry, that was rude. I . . . I don’t feel so well, what happened last night, Leo?” she asked quietly, suddenly finding it hard to breath. It was as if all the air was slowly being sucked from the room; she tightened her grip around her brother’s arm, clinging to him like a lifeline. Leo turned his sister to face him, his arms protectively holding her in place, as he searched her face for clues on what was wrong with her.

  “You ok?”

  She looked up into his eyes laced with concern. “I don’t know, I feel . . . heavy.” And then she collapsed.

  Leo scooped her up into his arms before she hit the ground.

  Leo looked at his friends. “What’s wrong with her, Reece?”

  Reece stepped forward, his hand softly caressing Lily’s face. “She’s strong, it is going to take longer than we thought. She needs to rest.”

  He pulled Lily away from her brother and carried her upstairs. He studied her face on the walk up, her features were flawless, and the way her dark lashes laid against her ivory skin only made her more striking. He hadn’t expected her to be this beautiful. Reece had known Leo a long time and he knew they were siblings, but Lily’s beauty had caught him off guard, she looked nothing like her brother.

  He carefully placed her onto her bed and pulled the covers tightly around her. “I am the leader,” he said to himself, shaking his head to dismiss the impure thoughts that had invaded his mind. Reece sat there for a few minutes before he forced himself to leave her, and rejoined the others downstairs.

  “Is she going to be ok?” Leo asked.

  Reece nodded. “She will be fine, her body is adjusting nicely. I think in a couple of days the change will be completed and she can resume her normal life.”

  “Ha! Normal life, is that what you think will happen?” Nate snickered. “Her life will be anything but normal and you know it.” The four of them fell silent, the realization of the challenge before them clearly setting in. Leo knew she would join their team, but none of them knew what role she would play.

  “Have you seen anything yet, Sam?” Leo asked.

  Sam shook his head. “Nope, no visions yet, but I know something is coming, I can feel it.”

  Nate stood up and clapped his hands together. “Finally some action, bring it on,” he said with a smile. Nate walked over and slapped Leo’s shoulder. “And clearly, the fact that your sister is a knockout is an added bonus. That means I’ll get to kick a lot more asses.”

  Leo jumped up and fisted his hand into Nate’s shirt, shoving him into the wall, causing the frames to rattle. “Don’t talk about my sister like that,” he stated with authority, as an angry wind lifted Nate from the ground, nearly slamming him into the ceiling.

  Nate let out a boom of laughter, shoving Leo backwards into the chair. The ground beneath his feet began to shake. “You think I’m afraid of you? Don’t touch me again or you’ll find out what I’m capable of, first hand,” Nate said with all signs of humor absent from his face.

  Reece quickly moved between them. “Enough, this isn’t helping anything. Nate control yourself. Leo calm down, you both need to remember we are all on the same side here.” The two men backed away and resumed eating their breakfast.

  Reece went outside to get some air. He stood on the beach behind the house, letting the sunrays soak into him, breathing in the scent of the new day. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back, letting out a deep breath. Bringing Lily into the team was going to be a challenge; he was going to need all his team to work together to make it go smoothly. He had received word from the League late last night; they already had a mission and would be leaving as soon as school let out. Reece didn’t want to inform the others just yet, he needed to make sure that things went without difficulty with Lily first.

  Upstairs Lily began to stir. What a dream, she thought to herself. The sun no longer glistened, it now invaded every inch of her vision, and reluctantly she rubbed her eyes and emerged from her bed. She walked to her window to shut the blinds, but paused seeing one of the men she now remembered meeting earlier, standing there on the beach, and she froze. She stared at him in awe, he was wearing a pair of khaki board shorts and no shirt, the way the sun glistened on his muscular chest and arms made her blush. His honey brown hair was softly waving, touching the tips of his ears. When he angled his head toward her, it was like he looked right at her, as if he could feel her eyes burning into his. She gasped and quickly shut the blinds, sinking down to the floor trying to hide. Reece smiled and walked back toward the house, feeling more confident than ever before.


  Lily walked into the bathroom and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked different somehow, her eyes, while still green, had small specs of blue in them. Her cheek bones stood out more and her black hair, instead of appearing dull and flat, now had a shine to it she was not used to, and looked to be lighter. Strange, she thought to herself as she started the faucet. The cool water pooled into her hands. She found it fascinating; she could see every individual drop. It was as if her vision had become clearer than before, had the water always looked like that. She released the water but as she watched it flow down the drain, she became drawn to it. Without thinking she touched her index finger to the stream and began to pull it toward her. She watched as the stream followed her finger in a graceful line straight to her face. The water was perfectly controlled, not a single drop fell. She held her breath, stunned by what was happening; the water simply danced around, as she twirled her finger in a circle in front of her face. A sudden knock on her bathroom door caused her to jump, and the water resumed its path down the drain.

  “Sis? You ok in there?” Leo called from the door.

  “Uh, yeah, I . . . I think so. I’ll be out in a minute. I’m just going to take a shower,” she answered as she stripped down and started the shower.

  Clearly she was coming down with something; that had to explain the weird things going on; it was all in her head. She shook her head and stepped inside. The water was warm and soothing against her skin, her muscles relaxed and she welcomed it. She closed her eyes and allowed the water to trickle down over her face, feeling each and every drop as it danced over her body. Her breathing started to increase, and
suddenly the water felt warmer than usual, she blindly reached down and adjusted the temperature. The water went from warm to cold in a heartbeat, what the…? Her thought was interrupted when the once inviting drops of water quickly became chunks of ice, stinging her skin as they beaded down. Lily turned the water off and stood in wonderment as she looked around the floor of the shower, it looked as if it had hailed in her shower. There must be something wrong with the pipes, she thought as she dried off and wrapped the towel around her body.

  She dressed in a pair of white capris and an orange tank top with lace fringe along the top and bottom seams. She ran a brush through her shoulder length hair and headed downstairs. She never wore makeup; she didn’t feel the need to cover her face like the other girls at her school did. If people didn’t like the way she looked, they didn’t have to look at her.

  She found the same men from earlier sitting in her living room. Nate and her brother were playing a shooting game on the Xbox. The other two men she didn’t know yet were seated on the couch. They both turned to look at her when she came through the archway, the man on the far side reached down and swatted her brother on the back of the head.

  “Ow! What the hell was that for?” Leo turned around rubbing his head. The man nodded his head in Lily’s direction without speaking a word. “Oh, hey Lil. Feeling better?” he asked, as he tossed the controller down and walked to her side.

  “I think so, but I think there might be something wrong with the plumbing.” She smiled nervously.

  “The plumbing? Why do you say that?” he asked. Now all four pairs of eyes were focused on her. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.

  “I . . . uh, well . . . can I talk to you about it in the kitchen?” she asked, not wanting to sound stupid in front of the others.

  Leo looked at the man on the couch who she now recognized as the same man she saw on the beach, when he nodded, Leo took her arm and guided her to the kitchen. She didn’t understand why he needed that guy’s approval to talk to her, but it irritated her. If she wanted to speak with her brother, who was he to tell her she couldn’t?